Vuforia Expert Capture:
Scale Expert Knowledge to Your Frontline Workers
Capture the domain expertise from your most seasoned experts to effectively train
and upskill your workforce with augmented reality-based procedures and instructions.
Your most valuable asset? Your employees
Vuforia Expert Capture is the fastest and easiest way to document and share your expert employees’ years of knowledge with your broader workforce. With Vuforia Expert Capture, your tenured experts can capture step-by-step procedures and best practices as they work and then transform those insights into reusable process documents, job aids, and training materials.
Improve set up and changeover, streamline equipment assembly and maintenance, and modernize employee training with Expert Capture’s digital, augmented reality-based work instructions.
Expand Use of Vuforia with RealWear Smart Glasses
Rapidly capture and transfer knowledge to your frontline workers
Expert Capture helps your organization maintain a competitive advantage by harnessing the deep knowledge of your senior employees and making it available to your frontline workers in an easily accessible and consumable format.