Dear Customers, Suppliers and Partners,
Tekno-Sip is attentive and active in the face of the Coronavirus pandemic.
From the beginning, we have come together for decisions and protective actions with the common good in mind, a vision that encompasses several dimensions: The Team, The Client, Our Philosophy and Our Processes.
We walk in daily decisions, because the movement is dynamic and we have to be aware. We created the Crisis Management Team, at first, with quick meetings at the end of every day and now, after more than 120 days, we meet once a week for studies, evaluation and important decisions. Decisions taken so far:
We advise on the recommended hygiene procedures via online with the entire group of employees and in person in conversations with teams, a fundamental and community care factor.
We also make alcohol gel available in strategic places for community use, in addition to providing guidance on the need to take time off during work, meals and meetings.
Intensified hygiene measures, with increased attention to shared use items such as tables, mice, keyboards, doorknobs, faucets, etc.
Are in home office people with medical indication for leave due to their immune system requesting greater care;
We are rotating home office in areas where work can also be done from home,
And in those who need presence, we work on awareness of the distance,
We study time-shifting schemes, focusing on times of low traffic on public transport and car-free rides for staff.
Suspension of trips and external and internal visits, encouraging the use of video conferencing systems.
We continue with a great desire that this moment of pain becomes learning and growth, both in terms of awareness and in the relationship of trust that we can build in this challenge.
If you want to know the VIDDEN POWER of the VIRUS Click here.
Tekno-Sip Team